personages bioscoop

premiere saint nicholas movie “saint nicholas and king kabberdas”.

Hooray! Sylvester has made a new cinema film: Saint Nicholas and King Kabberdas. That deserves a festive premiere! Luckily, Kinepolis Antwerp and the colleagues of Sylvester TV could count on the colleagues of Sylvester Events for that.

On Sunday October 24th 2021, Sylvester and Ketnet could finally proudly show the world the new adventure of the Good Saint Man.

It was a movie premiere the way Saint Nicholas likes it best: with all his best friends present and with hundreds of enthusiastic children and their mums and dads.

Those friends are of course Black Pete, Conchita, Palomita, the professor, Ramon, Kneta Kneecap, the Chief of Staff and so on.

The smell of candy, gingerbread and marzipan lured you from the Antwerp ring road all the way to Kinepolis. Add to that pancakes, fries, a balloon artist and a tattoo workshop and you will understand that there were only happy children at this premiere…

As it should be at a movie premiere, there were not only a lot of beautiful people, but also a lot of famous people, and sometimes that description even applied to both of them, just think of stars such as Wim Opbrouck, Bart Peeters, Stijn Coninx, Hugo Matthysen, Evelien Bosmans, Els Dottermans, Tine and Pieter Embrechts, Jonas Van Thielen, Bart Hollanders, Bruno Vanden Broecke, Clara Cleymans and so on.

Want to watch more headlines? You certainly can! Check out this article to see which famous Flemish people and their kids all passed in front of the HLN reporter’s lens and posed on our red Saint carpet!


Kinepolis, VRT
Television Production